Welcome to the Lorain Ohio KartPlex Blog!

We are excited to announce the Construction Blog for the Lorain Ohio KartPlex!  If you haven’t yet, please subscribe to our email list to stay up to date with all information related to the Lorain Ohio KartPlex development. 

With the initial post, I want to thank a few key people who have been with me throughout the beginning of this journey.

First, I thank God for the vision, perseverance, and GRIT He has bestowed upon me to take this idea from a napkin (literally) conversation into the reality it is becoming.  I would not have been able to make it without the prayers answered and sometimes nudging He has given me to just keep going!!

Secondly, thank you to my wife Stephanie.  This hasn’t been an easy journey for our marriage.  We have gone through a lot individually and together, but through the highs and lows, she has remained there, consistently helping at the house, shuffling kids around, coaching teams, cleaning the house, going back to work full time, doing laundry (definitely not her favorite thing), and many more tasks, all with a genuine love for her family.  I love you more than you will ever know babe,  THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart Steph!!

Colin, Michael, Lucas, Kristopher, Anna, Cora, and Liam – My Kids!!  You all mean the world to me.  You know that sometimes we couldn’t do as much as we did in the past, or I wasn’t able to be as present, but you never quit believing in me.  I am so grateful for all of you and I appreciate your love and support throughout this journey as we walked a mile and saw a mile together everyday, sometimes not knowing what was going to happen and which direction we were going to get tossed in. 

Dave & Liana A., Dan Q., Robert B., Jeremy F., Brian H., and Jimmy M. – Thank you for your belief in this idea back in 2020/21.  We wouldn’t of made it if you didn’t buy into the concept early and help us get lift off!  I can’t wait for each of you to see the fruits of your treasures in the near future.  This is going to be fun!

Dave C!  My man!  You have helped me crunch the numbers, analyze the data, build the spreadsheets, and present the financial facts over and over, all while encouraging me to continue pressing on!  Thank you Dave! 

Mike B. – You have stood by my side from the very beginning of the project.  Giving great construction advice, professional advice, and through many personal conversations I feel as if you are an extension of our family.  We would not have made it this far without your encouragement sometimes and creative ideas that have helped see this become a reality. Thank you Mike!

Gary F. and Vince B. – You took on the design of our buildings with ease!  I would give you these ideas from the visions I have had and your comrade Vince have turned the visions into pictures that will soon become real.  Thank you Gary and Vince!

Tom B. and Tiffany M. –  Tom and Tiffany, you believed when many did not.  You were in my corner, giving navigational advice as I was in some uncharted territory for a while.  You two are awesome and I owe you a lot!  Thank you Tom and Tiffany!

Brian W. – Brian, every time we would connect you would ask how things are going and many times you would help me reframe my thinking so I could see things a little differently.  You have no idea what that did for me.  Thank you Brian!

Mayor Jack B. – Mayor, I know this process wasn’t a walk in the park for you!  It has had its ups and downs, but through it all, you were steadfast.  You took the good with the bad and I appreciate you seeing it through.  It is my prayer that this project will become a catalyst for not only a revitalization of the City of Lorain, but a cataclysmic shift in mentality for the City.  The City of Lorain CAN become one of the strongest ‘Destination City’s’ on the Erie Shore!!!   Thank you Mayor! #LORAINFORWARD

Rob D. and Don R. – Rob and Don, you both worked so hard with me to help me navigate County issues and processes, all while giving me amazing perspective from past experiences in and outside of Lorain.  You both are a huge asset to the County!!  Thank you Rob and Don!

Julie T. and Jim W. – Julie and Jim, your patience, and encouragement from the LCCC has been greatly appreciated.  It always brightens my day when I see you two roaming the halls of our office building.  Keep believing in us Lorain entrepreneurs who have crazy ideas!! We (as in me) might be crazy, but sometimes the idea is really good and can help a lot of people!  Thank you Julie and Jim.

And last for now, I have many more to write about in future posts, but thank you to Rey C. – Rey, you stepped into a role with the City of Lorain this January and I will never forget our first conversation of 2024.  “We are going to get this done!”  Your enthusiasm is contagious and I genuinely believe that with you at the helm in your role, the City can go no where but forward with new development projects. Thank you Rey!

That is it for now.  I haven’t forgotten about you if you don’t see your name here.  I will be doing this over the next couple of weeks to say Thank You to those who have walked this journey. 

The best is yet to come!!!

Kris McCrone


3 thoughts on “Welcome to the Lorain Ohio KartPlex Blog!”

  1. We are so excited for you and what the future hold for this amazing complex!! So many people have commented about what a positive change this is for Lorain. Love being updated on the progress!!! Thank you for sharing this journey with us!!

  2. Cant wait for LOKs Electric Kart facility to open. LOK has such a great opportunity to show the world . That Electric Karts are more than Arrive and Drive Karts. And Electric Karts can become great Race Karts too . Just need a great facility like LOK and Kris and his team and some electric drivers to show what they can do… Cant Wait !!!!!

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